Some high-profile cases will have sentencing hearings in Indiana County Court today, including a shooting with IUP Police last October.
Court documents show 20-year-old Cameron Held Raubaugh of Pittsburgh will go before Indiana County Judge Michael T. Clark for a guilty plea to a charge of aggravated assault-fear of serious bodily injury and false reports for an incident on October 29th of last year at the parking lot of Miller Stadium on IUP’s campus. He called police reporting a robbery by a man wearing black clothes and wielding a knife. When IUP police arrived, they found Raubaugh there matching the description given in the call. He knocked an officer down and a shot was fired, but it missed. State police responded and subdued him by using a taser.
Another case on the schedule today is the case of 44-year-old Douglas Hutchins of Johnstown, who pleaded guilty to corruption of minors and indecent exposure for an August 1st of 2019. Indiana Borough Police said that he came into contact with someone under the age of 13 at the time in an apartment in the 700 block of Philadelphia Street.
A third case involves 25-year-old Jacob Hankinson, who pleaded guilty to possession with intent to deliver from April 28th of this year. He allegedly led police on a chase in Burrell Township. He would ditch his motorcycle and tried to flee on foot, dropping a backpack full of drugs at that time.