On Tuesday night, Blairsville Borough Council approved advertising a change in zoning for a property along Old William Penn Highway.
The full motion was to advertise a change from “low density residential” to “light industrial” for the parcel at 1 Old William Penn Highway, to modify the zoning ordinance to allow auto repair shops to be permitted in “light industrial” on a special exception basis, and to approve the special exception for the auto repair shop that will be run by Ben Rees. He said that they were on a very tight timeline to get things approved because they had a lot of work to get done before winter hits.
A public hearing will be needed, which will be part of next month’s meeting.
In other business, Township Manager Mike Baker said that preliminary work has started on the 2023 budget, and he said that there may not be a need to raise taxes.
The budget may be up for advertisement as soon as November’s meeting.