Indiana Area School District has reported two more cases of Covid-19 at their high school and another group of students that need to be quarantined.
In a letter on the district website posted Tuesday, Superintendent Michael Vuckovich said that two more positive cases were reported, and after meeting with the school nurse and the health administration, another 67 students have to be quarantined. So far, 127 students have been quarantined district-wide, and nine cases have been reported across the district. Four are at the Senior High School, four are in Jr. High and Eisenhower elementary classes at the Junior High Building, and one active case at Ben Franklin Elementary. Based on the current case count, Vuckovich said that they will continue to stay open under their current health and safety plan.
In the River Valley School District, five students have tested positive for Covid-19 have been reported at Blairsville Elementary, while two cases have been reported in students the River Valley Middle School and four new cases have been reported at the high school. One elementary or ancillary employee at the Saltsburg Elementary School also has a positive Covid-19 case.
United also reported a case of Covid-19 in a kindergarten student. Thorough cleaning and sanitization was performed and the student is self-isolating at home.
No word of any new cases at Penns Manor, Purchase Line or Marion Center School Districts.