Indiana County firefighters were busy on Tuesday as they dealt with six more brush fires, bringing the yearly total to 17.
Commodore and Clymer fire departments were summoned to Holly Road in Green Township around 9:22 a.m. for the first fire, which happened after someone was burning trash. James Hopkins with the Commodore Fire Department said between one and one-and-a-half acres were destroyed and a trailer sustained minor damage.
Indiana Fire Association was dispatched to Indian Springs Road around 5:07 p.m. after a blown electrical insulator sparked a 200-by-75 foot fire. Eight minutes later, Cherryhill Township firefighters were called to Hickory Road for another brush fire, with Clymer Fire Department called for assistance.
Coal Run and Iselin departments responded to a fire along Saltsburg Road around 5:47 p.m. with Aultman called to assist. Indiana, Elderton and Creekside crews responded to Robin Hill Road in Armstrong Township at 8:19 and 8:46 for the final two calls.
Once again, fire officials ask residents not to burn right now. They say even though the ground is wet, the overlaying brush is not.