First responders were busy on Sunday with four fire calls and other incidents.
The first call was for a vehicle accident on Route 286 east in Montgomery Township. Glen Campbell fire department and state police were sent out at 9:11 AM.
Indiana Fire Association members would be called out for three consecutive fire calls. The first was a flue fire at 11:10 AM on Mill Run Drive in White Township. Then a vehicle fire was reported at 4:34 on Twolick Drive in White Township. At the same time, a structure fire call went out for a property on Church Street.
At 5:12, Saltsburg fire department was sent out for what was termed a “miscellaneous” call on Walnut Street. The final call was another vehicle fire, this one on Route 119 South in Burrell Township at 5:43 PM. Black Lick and Blairsville fire companies were sent to the scene.