IUP and Smithgroup hosted an open forum to have the public address their concerns with the university’s long-range facilities master plan.
The forum updated the progress on the master plan, which is meant to links the Unviersity’s Strategic Plan to the long-range physical development of the IUP campus over a long period of time. The goal of the plan, according to SmithGroup Vice President and Campus Practice Director Doug Kozma, is very simple.
Part of the plan is the demolition of some of the older buildings on campus, moving classes to hub areas so they can be in nearby buildings, and expanding some of the other student-centered portions of campus. This includes the creation of two new greenspaces that would be “sister spaces” to IUP’s Oak Grove.
The next step is to once again meet with IUP’s Council of Trustees in May to further hash out the plans. The plans presented at Tuesday’s event will eventually be on IUP’s webpage focusing on the master plan.