At Monday’s meeting, the Indiana School Board announced that they may consider some changes to the Eisenhower Project.
At a bid opening last week, all the bids for the renovation and reconstruction of Eisenhower came in over budget, but Buildings/Grounds and Transportation committee chairman Terry Kerr said that the bids are not too far away from the estimate.
He says that he would like to see a lot of people show up for next week’s Buildings/Grounds and Transportation Committee meeting, which starts at 5:30 at the district board room at East Pike.
In other business, Mike Reig got to introduce the board to 18 Fulbright Scholars from all over the world who are taking professional development courses at IUP and getting experience with educators in the district. They will also get the chance to study educators at the Pittsburgh Public School System. The Fulbright Scholars are here until December 11th.