UPDATE as of 1:13 p.m.
Blairsville and Marion Center firefighters were called in to assist around 1:08 p.m. Bradenville, Plumville and Brush Valley fire crews were called for standby detail. Josh Widdowson has more:
UPDATE as of 12:41 p.m.:
Renda Media’s Josh Widdowson reports from the scene of the fire:
Fire crews are currently on the scene of a structure fire in Indiana Borough.
Indiana Fire Association, the county Hazmat team, Citizens’ Ambulance and Indiana Borough Police were summoned to an apartment complex along North 6th Street around 11:42 a.m. Fire crews from Homer City, Creekside, Clymer, Cherryhill and Black Lick were called in to assist between 11:51 a.m. and 12:01 p.m. Coral-Graceton Fire Department was called in around 12:19.
We will bring you more information once it’s available.
Josh Widdowson is on scene.