Reaction continues to come in in response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe V. Wade.
The court overturned the landmark case while considering a case out of Mississippi where the state attempted to ban abortion after 15 weeks. Conservative Justice Samuel Alito delivered the majority opinion. The actual opinion came weeks after Politico published a leaked draft opinion indicating justices were indeed ready to strike down Roe.
Congressman Glenn “GT” Thompson issued a brief statement Friday afternoon, saying that his position on the issue has always been clear. He said, quote, “You can’t be a champion for the future of this great country if you are going to limit its potential. It is my belief that every child, every human life, is sacred and has a purpose in this world. Today’s Supreme Court decision returns the authority to regulate abortion to the states, through the people and their elected officials.”
Meanwhile, Governor Wolf issued his own statement shortly after the decision was announced. He said that abortion services are “available and unharmed” in Pennsylvania, but that he was deeply disappointed by the court’s decision. He said “The right to bodily automnomy – and privacy as a whole – is under attack in this country” and that more has to be done to protect abortion rights and the rights of women and pregnant people in every state. The governor has vetoed three different anti-aboriton bills and said he will continue to do so.
The State House Democratic leadership issued a statement saying, “While abortion is still safe and legal here in Pennsylvania despite the court’s decision, the truth is the commonwealth is one vote away from criminalizing women’s health care and the dire consequences that it would prompt. State House Republican leaders say “this ruling presents a necessary opportunity to examine our existing abortion law, and discussions around possible changes are already underway.”