The soggy weather forecast for tomorrow might not be ideal for a trip to Idlewild, but the park’s gates will open for its 145th season anyway.
Calling it the “longest season ever,” Idlewild will operate on Saturday and Sunday the next two weekends, and Soak Zone will open for the weekend of May 21st and 22nd. The park’s regular weekly schedule then begins with Idlewild and Soak Zone both open every day through August 21st. After that, there will be a special weekend-only schedule in place through September. The “HALLOWBOO!” weekends run from September 24th through October 30th.
This year, park visitors will be able to get in ride lines earlier, at 10:30 in the morning. The park will close each night at 7, with exceptions such as the fireworks night on July 3rd, when it closes at 9:30 PM.
With pandemic restrictions eased, the park plans more food options this year, and Story Book Forest and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood are open as always.
There are four shows at the park this year: “The Once Upon a Time Machine A Fairy Tale Adventure”, “Daniel Tiger’s Grr-ific Day”, “Princess Lily Meet-n-Greet”, and “The Heart of Country”.