During a meeting Wednesday afternoon, the White Township Supervisors approved a request to sell sealed alcoholic beverages at the upcoming May Mart event at S&T Bank Arena, but there were some new requirements added.
Supervisor Eugene Gemmell in the past voted against allowing events at the arena to sell alcohol, saying that it was a liability to the township if there was an alcohol-related accident due to consumption on the property, even from tasting samples. This time, Gemmell offered a compromise with amendments to the request. He asked that the vendors who wish to sell sealed alcoholic beverages that offer samples of their wares to supply the township office with their liquor license, and with proof of business insurance of $1 million or more, and he also requested township officials to check their own insurance policies. He said it while it was a compromise, he was still protecting the township’s interest, as the arena is part of the township-owned rec complex.
The request with Gemmell’s amendments was approved 4-1, with Gail McCauley voting against it, saying she did not believe alcoholic beverages should be sold at the arena.
In other business, the township supervisors have scheduled to go on a road tour of the township on May 4th at 1:00 PM to check out what roads need to be worked on. The board also received an annual financial report from the Indiana Fire Association.