Starting tomorrow, some of the modifications concerning unemployment in Pennsylvania that were made during the Covid-19 pandemic will revert back to their former requirements.
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Jennifer Barrier announced that those receiving unemployment compensation, pandemic emergency unemployment compensation or pandemic unemployment assistance must apply for two jobs and complete one work search activity each week. A record must also be kept of work search activities. Because claimants always file for benefits the week after they are unemployed, individuals will start certifying that they looked for work on July 15th.
The Department of Labor and Industry is recommending that job seekers register with PA Careerlink online or head to their local PA Careerlink offices to learn about the free programs and resources that are available. This includes job search and training assistance, adult education classes and workshops, resume assistance and referral services to partners. While it was once a requirement to register for employment-search services offered by PA Careerlink within 30 days after filing for benefits, that requirement is still suspended at this time.
More information on the job search requirements can be found on the unemployment compensation website at