The director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy visited Indiana County’s Children and Youth Services office today.
(L to R: Indiana Couty CYS Director Sarah Ross talks with State Rep. Jim Struzzi and director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy Jim Carroll as Carroll tours the CYS office. Photo by Josh Widdowson)
Jim Carroll, known as President Trump’s Drug Czar, held a round table discussion with members of law enforcement, local and state government, children and youth services, two of Indiana County’s judges, District Attorney Bob Manzi, and the Armstrong Indiana Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission to find areas where Indiana County is doing well and where the county needs extra assistance.
CYS Director Sarah Ross talked about the importance of Carroll’s visit.
Carroll praised how the many different entities in Indiana County worked as a team.
The group discussed a wide variety of topics from the founding of the drug court to the warm hand-off program to foster families taking care of children displaced due to their parents suffering from substance use disorder.