Indiana borough council held both its reorganization meeting and its agenda prep session last night.
During the reorganization, the board voted Peter Broad as the council president, with Gerald Smith reelected as vice president. During the agenda prep session, the board voted to deny seven grievances that were filed in 2019. Members of the borough employees’ union, the Utility Workers Union of America Local 580, were in attendance, along with union representative Joseph Swenglish, who talked about some of the grievances that they filed with the borough.
He said that they want to settle the matters, but they can’t get enough borough officials to sit down with them to work it out. Borough Manager Michael Foote would not comment on the grievances.
In other business, Foote announced that the borough recently received a $1.2 million reimbursement from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program for the community center project, along with another $500,000 reimbursement from the Keystone Library grants. Another RACP reimbursement is expected later this year.