The start of 2020 means the beginning of a census year across America. The nation begins a head count of its residents on January 21st in Toksook Bay, Alaska, and by April 1st, which is known as Census Day, every home in the United States should have received its invitation to participate.
While it’s termed an “invitation”, it is required by law that you participate and you can do so online, by phone, or by regular mail.
The Census Bureau says that in April it will begin visiting college students living on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live in large group homes. In May, they will begin visiting homes which have not responded yet. The information is expected to be compiled by December and reported to both the president and the congress.
In an interview on Indiana In the Morning on WCCS, Josh Krug of the Office of Planning and Development said it is vital that every person living in Indiana County be counted for future government funding of programs and projects.
The Census Bureau will send redistricting counts to each state by March 31st of next year. Pennsylvania has lost three seats in Congress in the last two census counts.