There is a decidedly different look to Indiana Borough’s downtown today as the decorations go up in anticipation of the Friday’s tree-lighting and parade and the start this weekend of the “It’s a Wonderful Life Festival”.
Street light poles are now brightly lit with strands of colored lights and the Philadelphia Street entrance to IRMC Park on North 7th Street is now blocked to traffic. That also means a lane restriction for Philadelphia Street’s center turning lane at the busy intersection.
The huge Christmas tree is scheduled to be cut down tomorrow morning at E-Mar Acres Tree Farm in Nowrytown and transported along Route 286 to the downtown, which will also mean some temporary minor traffic inconveniences. It will go up in a new specially-installed in-street holder.
Friday’s festivities include a special 4:30 showing of It’s a Wonderful Life at the Indiana Theater, holiday family activities at 5, and the Lucy Donnelly Holiday Parade at 7, followed by the tree-lighting.
It’s a Wonderful Life Festival activities are scheduled this Saturday and every Saturday through December 15th.